

Hebrew Pronunciation [toe RAH]

HCSB Translation:law, instruction, teaching

Uses in the OT:223


Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the LORD!”
(Psalm 119:1)


Singular (Lev. 14:32) or plural (Pr. 7:2), torah indicates particular laws or instructions.  Torah as a collective denotes instruction for particular individuals (Deut. 17:11) or nations (Deut. 33:4).  Torah describes civil (Ex. 18:16) and religious (Lev. 6:9) laws, the book of Deuteronomy (Deut. 1:5), all of Moses’ writings (Jos 8:31), the Prophets (Dan. 9:10), or the whole Word of God (Ps. 19:7).  The focus of torah is not a specific literary form but divine authority; any communication from God constitutes torah.  Torah also pictures a parent’s teaching (Pr. 6:20).  It appears as ritual (Num. 5:30), revelation (2 Sm. 7:19), ruling (Hag. 2:11), legal (Num. 19:2), and legally required (Neh 12:44).  Torah derives from yarah (47x), which means teach (Ex. 4:12), instruct (Deut. 17:10), or show (Ex. 15:25).  Once yarah is determine (Lev. 14:57), prepare (Gen. 46:28), and gesture (Pr. 6:13).  Yarah and torah appear together seven times (Deut. 17:11).


Word Studies courtesy of the Holman Christian Standard Study Bible. Used with permissions from B&H Publishing Group, A Division of LifeWay Christian Resources.